About Access Tuolumne

Access Tuolumne’s legal name is Tuolumne County Community Cable Access (TCCCA), a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.  You may also know us as Cable 8 on Comcast. Access Tuolumne was created to facilitate public access to the local cable television service.

Public access television was established in the 70s by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Since 1976, the FCC has required that cable systems in communities with 3,500 or more subscribers set aside up to 4 cable TV channels for use by the public.

Access Tuolumne is not directly funded by local government. Funding is via a small charge on the monthly Comcast bills of county residents. Called a PEG fund, for Public, Educational, and Government. Its use is restricted to the purchase of equipment and facilities. Local government is however an important client: both the City of Sonora and Tuolumne County pay Access Tuolumne for broadcasting and, in some cases, recording government meetings.

We receive additional funding by providing video production, rentals, and broadcasting services. We welcome underwriters to help fund shows as well!

Jerry Day

Jerry Day

Station Manager

Our station manager is Jerry Day. He is a lifetime Tuolumne County resident with a degree in Broadcasting and decades of experience in film and television. He previously served as Tuolumne County Film Commissioner.


  Email Jerry

Board of Directors


Kathleen Haff

Vice Chair

Brian Thomas


Cathy Parker


Nanci Sikes

Mark Plummer

Amy Nilson

Jim Christiansen

Judy Stoltenberg

Kimberly Baker

Len Otley

Community Liasons

Aaron James

USFS- Ex Offico

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