Conversation: Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is a common plot for crime dramas. They’re often set in urban areas or foreign countries, but it’s happening right here in Tuolumne County… and often in plain sight. Kayla Northington is the Human Trafficking Education and Training Coordinator for...

Conversation: Sonora High Superintendent Ed Pelfrey

School’s back in session, so Ryan thought it would be a good time to check in with Sonora High Superintendent Ed Pelfrey. Did you know Sonora High has a wide variety of vocational programs— now known as CTE (Career & Technical Education)— and about a third of the...

Conversation: Solid Waste

Don’t miss this trashy Conversation! If you care about our community and environment, check out Ryan’s latest chat with Debbie Reagan, Tuolumne County’s Director of Solid Waste. Debbie’s passion for reducing waste and making recycling easy is contagious. She shared...